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We hope foreign trade will resume as soon as possible


        With the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Palestinian-Israeli war, it has had a great impact on foreign trade.

        Geographically, the Red Sea is located between northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, connecting the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal in the north and the Gulf of Aden through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait in the south, guarding the traffic arteries of Asia, Africa and Europe. The 192km Suez Canal is the most convenient route between Asia and Europe, with about 19,000 ships passing through it every year, according to the Guardian. According to Foreign Policy magazine, the Red Sea is one of the world's most important trade corridors and energy transportation routes, handling about 12% of global cargo traffic and nearly one-third of container trade. Oil, natural gas, chemical products, metal ores, grain and other commodities are transported through the waterway. About 9.2 million barrels of oil a day passed through the Suez Canal in the first half of 2023, or about 9 percent of global demand, according to Watteksa, a UK-based company that analyzes energy data.

       After the Houthi armed forces frequently attacked ships in the Red Sea, international shipping giants Maersk Line Group of Denmark and Hapelot Company of Germany announced the suspension of the Red Sea route, and turned around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, choosing a longer and more expensive voyage. Due to the increase in transportation costs, these companies have announced freight increases, and the increased costs are passed on to consumers through the market, thus posing risks to the global economy. As a key link in the supply chain, the problem of container shortage has become increasingly prominent, and the concern of "one box is difficult to obtain" during the epidemic has re-emerged. According to Vespucci Maritime, a shipping consultancy, 780,000 fewer containers (international units of 20-foot standard containers) will arrive at Asian ports in the run-up to Chinese New Year. Recently, container prices on some Asia-Europe routes have soared by nearly 600%. However, Maersk recently said that the Red Sea resumption may take months to achieve.

      We have many orders for the wood door https://www.casenwooddoor.com/main-entrance-wooden-door   now stopped to shipping to the customer ,because of the shipping cost is very higer ,It's several times more expensive than before. We hope the war will be end soon,We hope foreign trade will resume as soon as possible.

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