There are plenty of trading terms for simple wood doors available in Guangzhou Casen Door CO.,LTD, including CFR/CNF, FOB, and CIF. CFR/CNF means that the seller is in charge of all the costs of shipping goods from their origin to the port of destination, including delivery costs and clearing the goods for export except for the insurance. So the price under the term of CFR/CNF will be lower than the ordinary one as we do not include the shipping costs in the total amount of the order. If customers prefer to adopt this term, please read the relevant instruction or contact us.
Boasting for its high technology and strong technical force, Casen has gained its wide popularity for years. Casen's soundproof door is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. The product complies with international quality standard and can stand any strict quality and performance test. Casen wood doors are far sold to regions including Southeast Asia, Europe, etc. Its unique designs and elegant lines are in line with the latest architectural trends. - One of our buyers say. our team wood doors offer a sense of warmth and durability.
Our firm bears societal responsibilities. We have been making attempts to invent new technologies with reduced acoustic, low energy consumption, along with reduced environmental effects.