Luxury solid wood doors offered by Guangzhou Casen Door CO.,LTD has a relatively high cost-performance ratio. As a market-oriented company, we sometimes will launch some promotion activities or discounted products to attract customers. On some special occasions such as Christmas Day, Easter Day, and other holidays, we probably offer a discount on our products. In addition, if customers want a large quantity of orders, we can provide customers with a more favorable price. In a word, our products are cost-effective and the price can be negotiated based on the actual situations.
Engaged in the production of fancy doors for years, Casen is professional and reliable. The hdf doors series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. Casen luxury doors is tested according to a wide range of standards. They are EN 12528, EN 1022, EN 12521, ASTM F2057, BS 4875, and so on. With fine craftsmanship on surface treatment, Casen wood doors are clean, smooth. As a mdf barn door product, internal sliding doors excels due to mdf barn door. our company wood doors are neatly cut and can perfectly fit into the wall.
Customers' satisfaction rate remains a top priority in our operation. We will increase professional training themed on customer service, with an aim to strengthen employees' communicative skills and problem-solving ability.