
CASEN Doors - 19 Years Professional Custom Wood Doors Manufacturers & Suppliers

Garage Doors: Should You Choose Wood or Steel?

by:Casen Doors     2020-05-22
When choosing a new garage door, you are choosing a big piece for your house, one that you will see and your visitors and neighbors will see on a daily basis. The garage door is probably the biggest moving part we have in our home, and it is important to make sure we make the right decisions as to what type of garage door to choose. As well as design, we need to think about the material. The two most common door types are steel and wood, and we need to weigh up the pros and cons of each carefully before making our purchase. Wood without any shadow of a doubt looks more classical, and can be made to blend in perfectly with your home. Even if you opt for an economic wood door, then you can paint it very cheaply to your desired color in order for it to blend in with your surroundings. Wooden doors are also very versatile in the way they can include paneling and windows, and can add value to your home as well as giving a good impression to the outsider. Being strong and solid, wood door are indeed a good investment, but not the cheapest option. Wood doors are indeed a lot more expensive than steel ones. The price does vary depending on if you opt for a classic model or basic model, but you will always find a steel equivalent that is cheaper. Other downfalls to wooden doors are that they need to be treated against the elements, waterproofed, and generally looked after a lot more than steel doors. Wooden doors need to be waterproofed, and if they are not correctly maintained, they can warp and rot easily. Steel doors on the other hand are cheaper, and possibly more practical, although not so attractive to look at. They are also easier to install than wooden doors, need less maintenance and do not need waterproofing, painting or looking after. Steel doors are a good option if you are not worried about the appearance of your doors, and are not concerned if your doors receive the odd dent or knock. They are quite durable, but can dent easily if knocked. So the question really now is in the aesthetic appearance of your home. If you really want a door that will blend in with the surroundings of your home, and look good, then wooden doors are really the best option. Having said this though, wood doors are not within everyone's individual budget, and this must also be considered when choosing our garage doors. Assess your budget as well as how important the appearance of the doors is to you and you will be able to determine which the best option for you is. Remember that wooden doors need constant maintenance and are not suitable for harsh weather conditions, so if you want an easy to manage solution, or live in harsh climes, then steel is probably the best option for you.
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