In general, there will be discount on the first order. You are expected to tell Guangzhou Casen Door CO.,LTD about the order quantity and other services in need so that the items for discount may be ascertained. We intend to provide composite bathroom doors at the most reasonable price. Its current unit price is affordable to most of the clients. When a big order is placed, or a new client is here, discount may be offered. However, it should not be highly expected, as it is not aimed at offering discount, instead, helping establish partnership.
Having been equipped with professional team, is is clearly that Casen is receiving more reputation in soundproof door market. bathroom doors series manufactured by Casen include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The quality of Casen hdf moulded door is guaranteed by the strict inspection conducted through all stages and the quality and safety compliance tests required in gifts&crafts. we wood door is heavy and solid. The product is extremely durable and built with sturdy components that are highly rugged and can withstand even the roughest conditions. our team wood doors are certified by CE, GMC, ISO.
The company pays much attention to employees' welfare. We stick to the human rights standards and labor & social security arrangements which have strict regulations on labor's vacation, salary, and social welfares. Get an offer!