Yes, Guangzhou Casen Door CO.,LTD will inform customers of the exact weight and volume of luxury internal doors after delivery. We will follow up the whole loading and unloading process and ensure all the cargo put in the containers are safe and complete. The number of containers, gross weight, net weight, and volume of the cargo will be carefully calculated by our trustworthy freight forwarders. Then, they will provide us with a waybill which is a document giving details and instructions relating to the shipment of a consignment of goods. A packing and weight list showing the volume and weight of the cargo we deliver will be sent to customers after shipment.
Casen Wooden Doors is in the highest flight in hdf doors industry. Casen Wooden Doors provides a wide range of fancy doors for customers. The quality of the product is assured in every step of production. It is convenient to install and maintain Casen Wooden Doors wood doors. Based on facts, we will use scientific methods and tools to improve work quality and efficiency. our team wood doors are neatly cut and can perfectly fit into the wall.
Our company is socially responsible for our performance. For example, our overall goal is to achieve the lowest potential CO2 emission.