The price of Guangzhou Casen Door CO.,LTD custom made internal doors may be slightly higher than that of some manufacturers in the market. However, we promise that what our customers get is the most cost-effective products. We price the products based on many factors such as raw materials cost, labor cost, and manufacturing cost. Generally, the raw materials adopted by us are sourced from reliable suppliers, which takes us a certain amount of money but is worth it. In addition, the quantity of required products may influence the final price we offer. In the market, the larger the quantity is, the more favorable the price we offer is.
Casen Door is committed to the production of soundproof door since the day of its establishment. The mdf doors series is widely praised by customers. The popularity of modern doors can not be achieved without the latest design by our professional team. Casen Door wood doors are well-packed to avoid any damage during the shipment. The product has reliable performance in even the most demanding applications. Casen Door wood door is heavy and solid.
Respect for people is one of the values of our company. And we do thrive on teamwork, collaboration, and diversity with customers.