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The Mysteries Of 10 Downing Street

by:Casen Doors     2020-07-11
10 Downing Streetis one of London's and the world's most famous places. It is the head quarters of the Queens government and the official residence and office of the First Lord of the treasury and has been home to British Prime Ministers since 1735. Downing Street is situated in Westminster which is a London borough occupying much of central London. A number of the most famous London destinations are situated in central London including; Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament and other famous streets such as; Oxford Street, Regent Street, Piccadilly and Bond Street. Behind its black famous wooden door, some of the most important decisions to ever be made have been decided in this house which has affected Britain for over 275 years. The building is over 300 years old and contains hundreds of rooms consisting of; dining rooms, offices, conference rooms, receptions and an interior courtyard. Many of the worlds famous Prime Ministers have lived in 10 Downing Street such as James Callaghan, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher even stated that Number 10 which is what Downing Street is known as had become 'one of her most precious jewels in national heritage'. What many people do not realise is the Number 10 door has no keyhole and cannot be opened from the outside. A police officer stands at either side of the door to ensure that there is someone there to open the door for the Prime Minister and guests at all times. But what is it behind the black painted wooden door stamped with the silver number 10 that is so fascinating? It is because of the icons that have ruled Britain that have lived there over time and made some of the most important decisions for the country. Many people would love to be a fly on the wall in their meetings in the elegant and sophisticated dining rooms and conference rooms, as the press can only leak so much information of the goings on inside of Number 10. Members of the public are not allowed to gain access into Number 10 which makes the building so much more fascinating and magical as you always want what you cannot have. 10 Downing Street is an iconic landmark and one of Britain's most treasured buildings as it holds so much history and always will continue to make history through the many Prime Ministers who have yet to experience the mysterious wonders of life behind the famous black door.
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